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Mentoring the Meivia way | Magazine
startup | written by shalini tripathi, March 2018.
It is important for an entrepreneur to have a right mentor. A right mentor is not just someone who has a sound business knowledge, but someone who is accessible, has compassion and empathy, and enables and motivates the entrepreneur to …
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A Comparative Study of Function Points based Early Lifecycle Estimation Models | Magazine
information technology | written by amit javadekar, February 2018.
The Function Points method has been the most popular method of sizing software functionality over the past 30 years or so. It is an established fact that accurate Function Point sizing helps in obtaining good estimates of project effort, duration, …
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Business Plan: What is it for anyway? | Magazine
startup | written by shalini tripathi, December 2017.
A business plan is not just a means to raise funds, as is the popular belief among entrepreneurs. While the importance of an executive summary, market, strategy, and management team in a business plan cannot be ignored, how does an …
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My Meivia internship experience | Magazine
human capital | written by aditi elassery, November 2017.
Personal experience The internship at Meivia was my first experience working at a corporate company and also my first experience of creating a complete website. I was a little apprehensive about taking up the project as I wasn’t sure …
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The Theory of Startups – Leadership and Management | Magazine
startup | written by shalini tripathi, September 2017.
Startups function in a unique context which is characterized by unfamiliarity and unpredictability. There is no place where a robust leadership is required more, than in a new venture. The odds – lack of human resources, financial capital, and access …
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Organization Development Intervention-Survey Feedback Methodology-Some insights | Magazine
human capital | written by sajeev nair, September 2017.
An engaging culture is one that enhances commitment to the organization leading to retention and performance. People feel engaged when they understand their connection and contribution to the organization, its success and when they perceive their organization as trustworthy and …
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India & Israel, is it time to be making hay | Magazine
India-Israel collaboration | written by shalini elassery, October 2017.
The sun is shining bright on all things Indo-Israel and this corridor has never before seen the quantum of attention it is getting today. Does this mean that things will change radically? All the people who work in this area …
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Internal customer misgivings about a brilliant idea in customer experience thinking | Magazine
strategy | written by vikas joshi, September 2017.
Unless you are a company of one, your firm has at least a few internal customers. Quite simply, internal customers are people in your company to whom you provide some kind of service. In a restaurant, the chef and the …
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Cross border projects – differences and similarities between Indians and Israelis | Magazine
India-Israel collaboration | written by manjiri javedekar, October 2017.
Having worked in the Indo-Israel corridor for over 15 years, we find that most Israelis and Indians like and respect one another. Many Israelis travel to India after their military service and spend a wonderful time here. However, the Israelis …
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Software Estimation – What does it really mean? | Magazine
information technology | written by amit javadekar, October 2017.
The Information Technology (IT) industry is arguably the newest industry known to mankind. Serious attention was paid to computers and computing only from the Second World War (1939-45) onwards with the development of message encryption machines like the German made …
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