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India & Israel, is it time to be making hay

The sun is shining bright on all things Indo-Israel and this corridor has never before seen the quantum of attention it is getting today. Does this mean that things will change radically? All the people who work in this area...

capability: India-Israel collaboration Read More

Internal customer misgivings about a brilliant idea in customer experience thinking

Unless you are a company of one, your firm has at least a few internal customers. Quite simply, internal customers are people in your company to whom you provide some kind of service. In a restaurant, the chef and the...

capability: strategy Read More

Cross border projects – differences and similarities between Indians and Israelis

Having worked in the Indo-Israel corridor for over 15 years, we find that most Israelis and Indians like and respect one another. Many Israelis travel to India after their military service and spend a wonderful time here. However, the Israelis...

capability: India-Israel collaboration Read More